Hekiganroku - Case 22: Seppo's "Poisonous Snake" [1] Seppo, instructing the assembly, said, "There's a poisonous snake on the southern side of the mountain. All of you should look at it carefully!" Chokei said, "Today in the Zen hall there are many people. They have lost their body and life." A monk told this to Gensha, who said, "Only Elder Brother Ryo [2] could say something like that. However, I wouldn't talk like that." The monk asked, "What then would you say, Master"? Gensha replied, "Why does it have to be 'the southern side of the mountain'?" Unmon threw his staff in front of Seppo and acted frightened. [1]: see case 24 of Shoyoroku. [2]: i.e. Chokei